This weekend was probably the craziest of my life, since the day after the ISB we had a Saigon Customs photo shoot. Even though we'd had no sleep for a week and all we really wanted to do was rest after the ISB, the photo shoot was simply a-ma-zing and so much fun. We had the dopest team of people grace us with their talent, personality and creativity and we are SO lucky to know all of you.
Cedra found our cameraman, Marlon Lawe, in New York. He's currently working on a movie that's sure to blow up called "Night at the Opera", make sure you check that shit out when it releases, although everybody's going to be talking about it so you'll probably go anyway. We were blown away by his patience and dedication, plus it was like 90+ degrees (32+ for you guys in Aus) and he was moving stuff around non stop and work, work, working and never complained. What a legend! It doesn't hurt to be that cute either.
Considering I am not a big girly girl and don't spend a lot of time fussing with hair and makeup, it was amazing as well as a bit inspiring to go all out and get my hair and makeup done like this. It was made easier considering I was taken such good care of by Jamez ( and Kondor ( They put us all in fly "Cosmopolitan-Asian" themed hairstyles and going red for the day was a lot of fun. I thought everybody looked incredible.
Aretha is a fairy godmother makeup artist as in, you feel like you could sit back and have her magic all your problems away with a wave of her mascara wand. Thanks for the exotic looks and the inspiration Aretha! x
Phelena is like our new honorary Saigon Girl because she's just straight up dope. She's also a wonderful stylist who never stopped pulling surprises out of her bag of tricks. She dressed ALL of us that day. PRRR-OPS!!!! We love u Phelena Jean!
Here is the amazing Curtis, he is such a stallion albeit a backstage one. Trust me, you need a stallion like Curtis. All these cute candid shots you see here are taken by him...

And last... BUT MOST DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, thank you to our noble stallions that lent their hot bods to our sneakers and their solidarity and excellent company to Saigon Customs. Saigon Girls got your backs!

Miss Saigon in her element among the stallions...
Our most excellent stallion Chris "P"
And the result? You wanted it....
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